Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween in Japan

Well we have officially finished our Halloween festivities. Yeah! I think we are completely Halloweened out! Tonight we experienced trick or treating Hario style. I put the babies in their bones onesies for the day this morning and this afternoon when it was time to get ready for trick or treating Ben chose to wear his bones pajamas instead of his Batman costume. Fine by me. They all actually looked really cute in their bones! The base opens up for the Japanese to come trick or treating, and let me tell you, they come in droves! As usual, we had our throes of adoring fans. Kawaii!!! I think the babies had their picture taken about ten times tonight! Too funny! They always take it in stride. I think they may have a future in acting! Ben had a great time running from house to house and saying trick or treat. I think he enjoyed all of the decorations more though than the candy! When we got home he wanted macaroni and cheese instead of his candy! What a relief! That gave me time to go through everything and hide most of it! He was very willing to share with me - he said I could have anything I wanted. He's definitely a mamas boy!

All dressed ready to go. Trick or treating started at 5 so it was still light out. Very nice!


One of the first stops. Our neighbor Grace was a peacock and Anna was a giraffe - Kawaii!!

Ben chose to wear his bag around his neck all night. I think it started to get heavy though because he kept taking his candy out of it and putting the candy in the stroller.

Mr. Bones and Ms. Peacock

Ben thought this skeleton get up was hilarious.

Japanese trick or treaters

Japanese trick or treaters - they travel in groups of about 20 - 30!

More Japanese trick or treaters!

This man had a movie screen set up in his yard! He had the movie volume muted but had spooky Halloween music playing. You could hear the music throughout the whole neighborhood. Ben couldn't wait to get to this house! He even sat down on the sidewalk for a bit to watch the movie. Again, he enjoyed the decorations more than the candy!

Ben's loot

I had to include this pic. When we lived in Hawaii we had constant construction going on around us for the first year we lived at McGrew. Well they are replacing water pipes by our house so once again we have constant construction going on. They have Japanese traffic directors set up right outside of our house. They watch Ben like a hawk. Anytime we come out they rush over with their white and red flags to help us navigate through the construction, whether we are walking or driving.

Happy Halloween!!