Monday, October 12, 2009

Nature v. nurture and pacies...

Today it became very obvious to me that there is a lot to be said about nature v. nurture. When I got out of the shower this morning Ben was very excited to show me something. He asked me to wait a minute while he got ready and the next thing I knew he was throwing "spit" balls at the wall!!! I couldn't believe it! He had taken small pieces of toilet paper and gotten them wet in the sink, balled them up and threw them on the wall. I about fell over laughing. That was definitely a moment of NATURE. I was amazed that this little boy figured out how to do that. Daddy would have been so proud!!

Ben getting ready to throw his ball.

Look at how many he got up there!

Happy babies! Life is good!

Last night Ben woke me up at about 1 a.m. and was upset because he couldn't find his pacie. I was feeding Nate at the time so I drug Nate in with me to Ben's room. Ten minutes later the pacie was finally found. I was so frustrated that I told Ben that the pacie was going bye bye today. He actually said o.k.! So today we had a pacie party. I made cupcakes and he decorated them. Our friend next door came over and helped blow out the candles. We then packaged up his pacie and addressed it to "H." I have no idea who H is but that is who Ben wanted to send his pacie to. We took his pacie to the mailbox and said bye bye. I think I was ten times more traumatized than Ben. I thought I was going to cry! Ben did awesome though!!
Decorating his cupcakes.

The candles - notice the orange pacie in the center.

Ben and Michaela blowing out candles.

The pacie in the box.

To H who lives at the mailbox.

Dropping the pacie off.

We went to the mini mart to get gum and new cars and when we came back out the "postman" had taken his pacie. I hope H aka the trash can enjoys the pacie!!