Just a quick post tonight because I need to go to bed.
We had a visitor this morning - a crab! Ben has such sharp eyes that he had noticed it crawling down the wall behind our house and had somehow tracked him all of the way through our yard and onto our screen door. He kept talking about a crab on our screen and I kept ignoring him. Finally I opened the outside door and let him out to look at it and sure enough there was a crab! We are so close to the water that they climb up the rocks and hill and make their way to our backyards. It was pretty cool!
I also had to post a picture of the Happy Meal toy right now at McDonalds. These little doll things are so cool. They talk in Japanese! The last toy was just a regular looking boy toy car and a pet for the girls. I didn't realize that Japan had their own Happy Meal toys - looks like I may be going there a lot in the near future! (And this is the McDonalds on base!)