As part of Ben's preschool the kids go to swimming lessons at their indoor pool once a week. You can also pay extra and they can attend "swim school" once a week after school as well. When Ben intially started preschool he didn't like the swimming but now he loves it. I decided to go ahead and enroll him in swim school. For swim school though we had to have the official swimming suit and cap. Ben was so excited when he brought it home today that he wore around the house all evening and then wore it in the bath tub. Now he looks like all of the other kids with his little speedo on.
Swimming in the bath
The babies going to sleep tonight. I have the babies on a pretty tight routine at night. I put them in their PJs, which Piper loves, and then put them in their swings where they fall asleep. Piper is usually out pretty quickly but Nate takes awhile.
Nate just hanging out. He wasn't ready to go to sleep yet.
All three kids are sick right now. I'm sure Ben probably brings it home from preschool and it gets passed around our house. He has been sick off and on since he started. Of the babies, Nate got sick (coughing, running nose, sneezing, weeping eyes, etc.) first but now Piper has it as well. Makes for long nights.
It has started to get cold here! I was craving a roast a few days ago and since I can walk to the commissary I decided to try my hand at one. I made this in the crock pot. I gave half of it to my neighbor whose husband is also gone. I have to say that it was quite yummy and I was pretty proud of myself. I have told Grant that I am turning into a domestic goddess! Hahaha!