Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday party fun

Ben's friend Anna turned 3 last Friday and had her birthday party on Saturday! Ben was so excited! Jane did such a good job creating a frog themed party.

Ready to go to the party!

Here is the birthday girl hanging out with the babies. Her little sister, Jo, loves the babies so I put them in the pack in play for safe keeping.

Coloring with another friend, Kayleigh.

Jane found these awesome frog hats and mouths. They were the perfect "party hats!"

Piper sacked out - I guess she partied too hard and needed a nap.

Mmmm, the frog cake was tasty. Everyone had green mouths!

Opening presents - notice Ben's fairy costume. I'm surprised he didn't break out the high heels ( he has done that before!)

All of the kids playing.

We are getting soooo excited for Grant to come home. I am trying to come up with creative ways to pass the time. I thought making homemade playdough would be fun. We concocted cherry flavored and orange flavored (blue) playdough. Ben wanted to eat it more than he wanted to play with it. Oh well....