Saturday, November 28, 2009

Huis Ten Bosch Christmas

We live right next to a Dutch theme park named Huis Ten Bosch. When we first arrived in Sasebo, Grant and I ventured over there and bought season passes. I'm not sure if it was worth it or not but it does allow us to go over for certain events we probably wouldn't go to otherwise. The park is filled with restaurants and several family friendly activities. We went over this time to see the beautiful Christmas lights.

It is starting to get cold here! Notice the flowers in the background. They try to keep their flowers looking very nice. I have heard that in the spring it is quite beautiful.

Ben showing off his new froggy hat and new froggy shoes. Gotta love Japanese clothing!

They went all out for Christmas. They had Santa's climbing things everywhere. It was pretty funny.

Oh no Santa - don't fall!

Kindergym inside the park.


Ben made a new friend there.

There were these huge Santa shoes and outfit sitting right outside Kindergym. They encouraged us to put it on Ben and take a picture next to the Christmas tree.

This was some sort of lighting ceremony they had. I'm guessing they do it every night? Santa came out through the crowd and greeted the Children and then he went on the stage to help turn on the lights. It was so loud and so cold!
Ben and Grace seemed to like it though.

After the show we went and had some yummy warm curry. I think Nate wanted some of daddy's water!

Grant and the kids being silly on the carousel.

Some of the beautiful lights.

It wasn't too cold for ice cream! Ben chose grape which tasted just like grape bubble gum - if you ask me it was pretty gross but he finished the whole thing!