It rained all day Friday so Jane and I decided to pack the kids up and head down to the bowling alley on main base for some tasty fast food. They have a soft play room there for the kids to roam around in and a few other fun things. Some other time we will have to go there to bowl!
Ben chasing Jo. He loves to play with her!
All of the kids eating. It's funny because when they get off the school bus they are usually starving. We picked them up from the bus stop and came straight down so you would think they would have pigged out. Of course not - I think Ben ate one chicken nugget and a few fries. Can't win them all I guess.
My $5.00 pasta dinner! It was pretty good for 5 bucks!
Piper and Nate hanging out in their seats as usual.
The kids riding the carousel. This is about the time we knew it was time to go!