Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yokosuka - Day 4

Today we decided to take it easy. They have a playroom at the lodge and Ben was so excited to just roam around and play!

After playing in the playroom I went to the exchange to do some major damage! Whohoo! Funny how the little things in life like a bigger exchange can make you happy. After lunch we took Nate for his Dr. appointment. The Dr. checked his head for any ridges. The ridges would be a sign that his skull had started to fuse. No ridges!!! He thought Nate looked pretty good. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders!!! Now we reevaluate at his six month appointment to see if a helmet will be necessary to reshape his head. Hopefully not!

We went to dinner at a Ramen shop with our friends the Goodwins. They were so nice to us during our stay in Yokosuka! Here is Ben with one of the restaurant staffs son. It was pretty neat to see him interact with him. The little boy even gave Ben a car when we left (granted it was because Ben was throwing a huge fit over it but it was still very sweet of him!)

Piper asleep after the drive home.

Nate not asleep!