Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

We are leaving for Hong Kong in the morning so I wrote a special letter to Santa asking if he could come to our house last night since we will be gone this week. Santa is so nice he agreed to come. Grant heard reindeer on the roof last night so we were all pretty excited to see what he had brought this morning! This is the first year Ben has really been excited about Santa. I still don't know if he completely understands the whole concept yet but I think after this morning he gets it a little bit more. I am now exhausted and have to pack for Hong Kong but it was all worth it!

Look, Santa took a big bite out of this cookie and drank the egg nog. The reindeer also ate the carrots!!

How did Santa know that Ben liked Anpanman??

We had to take several breaks throughout the morning. We really didn't have a ton of presents but it was all a bit overwhelming.

Helping Nate open his present from Santa. It was a crinkly fabric newspaper thing in Japanese. Nate and Piper both loved theirs.

Playing with his newspaper. You will notice there aren't many pictures of Piper, she slept through almost the whole thing!

Go MU - Beat Navy on New Years!!

Breakfast - yummy!
Helping Piper open her present from Aunt Missie and Uncle Richie.

Nate's "First Bear"

Piper's "First Baby Doll"

And more presents...

Piper and Daddy taking a computer break.

The living room after everything was said and done - Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!