Sunday, July 18, 2010

Tokyo/Yokosuka Day 1

On Sunday the 19th we headed up to Tokyo and the Navy base at Yokosuka for the week. I was very excited for this trip because we had lots of plans to see friends and sight see.

We started our trip at the city bus station in Sasebo. We took the city bus to Fukuoka (about 1 1/2 hours), then we took a plane to Tokyo (about 1 1/2 hours) and then we rode several trains to finally reach our destination - Yokosuka. Ben loved hanging out at the bus station watching all of the buses come in and out.

Everyone waiting for the bus.

Here's Piper - ready to go!

Ben got a little bored on the bus...

Both babies were pretty tired because we woke up early to catch the bus. It took a little time but both babies finally fell asleep.

On the top level of the airport are several restaurants. We had a bite to eat and watched the planes come and go.

Waiting to board.

On the train to Yokosuka. Ben had a great time watching the conductor.

Since Piper and Nate have started drinking milk we have realized they have a bit of intolerance to it. At the airport I was desperate to give them something to drink so I got regular milk for them. Within 20 minutes poor Piper was suffering. You could tell she had a belly ache and finally was able to get a little relief. Unfortunately we smelled up the whole train!