Monday, July 12, 2010

It's party time!

On Saturday we had a birthday party for the babies. I had my heart set on a sock monkey theme and had ordered the plates and napkins a long time ago. I think in the end everything came together very nicely. The best part though was just celebrating with friends.

I was planning on ordering a cake from the commissary. At the last minute I made these monkey cupcakes and I think they turned out much better than a pre-made cake would have!

Waiting for their cupcakes!

Some of the guests.

Both babies wanted those candles so badly! I think they both got a little feel of the flame but Ben quickly helped them blow it out!

Dig in! They had already practiced on their birthday so they were pros!

As we were cleaning up they both found a cup of yogurt in the fridge and had an after dinner snack.

Time for a bath and bed!!