On the 26th Ben had an open house at his school. In Japan the school year ends in March and begins again in April. His open house was a little like a finale for the school year.
Getting ready for their performance.
Ben is in the middle of the back row. He had missed all week with a fever but was very happy to be there for the performance. He did pretty good considering he had missed practice all week.
The boys had a performance alone and then the girls had theirs.
Ben constantly dances and sings at home. I think he does it most of the time at school and has developed a love of it.
Everyone watching.
Now it's time for the mommies to dance with the children!
Here we go!
After the dance the kids went to get ready for lunch and the mommies sat together while the teachers said their end of the year "goodbyes." The teachers started to cry.
Time for lunch! We made sandwiches together. Ben was required to wear a bandanna and an apron while we "cooked."
Saki Sensei
Time to say goodbye in his classroom.