Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The family portrait

Ben received window crayons from Grandee and Grandpa awhile back and I pulled them out for the first time yesterday. I wasn't sure what they would be like. They were a ton of fun but very messy. Imagine using large eyeliner pencils on a window.

He started out by drawing a dragon and then went on to draw me and eventually the whole family.

The green circle with a mohawk is me. I was impressed because this was the first time I have seen him draw anything with arms and legs. The orange in the upper right is him.

So if you look right to left you have an orange Ben, a green dragon, a green Sallie, a black Piper, white Nate and brown Grant. You can tell that after me he started to fizzle out on the actual people drawing. Piper did have legs but noone else had any recognizable features.